Life Will Never Give Up On You!

I’m here to tell you today that “life will never give up on you” you’re too special and you have a purpose. Sometimes you may believe that life is working against you. You must understand that life’s experiences strengthens you, every weakness you have is strengthened through experience. You may be ready to give up sometimes but when things get tough it’s good to remember it can’t stay that way forever. A setback is a setup for a come up! What you’re missing is the fact that your character, which is developed over time creates the strength and essence of you. How you respond when your back is against the wall speaks volumes about your character. Your character is continually being adjusted and fine tuned especially for you and your life.

When life sees an opportunity for you to grow, it’ll move the universe out of your way so you can step into the light. Your character must move you to respond appropriately and step into this perfect place of being. Take time to develop and allow your character to shine. Focus on being full of faith, trust, consideration, joy, awareness,  acknowledgment, acceptance, kindness, compassion, patience, love, honor and respect! These are tools used to create and fine tune your character, determining your response to life’s ups and downs, circumstances and situations.

Be patient and allow the divine spirit to work divine order, “life will never give up on you” you’re too special and you have a purpose.

Don’t Get Stuck With A Label!

Don’t become stuck with labels people have pinned upon you and you don’t have to live down to their opinion of you, live beyond! Times change and so do people (who are open to change), you may not have been the most loving, honorable, respectful person growing up but that doesn’t mean you have to be the same as an adult. I wasn’t always nice and have done things that would make your jaw drop, at times a down right ass, but as an adult I take responsibility for what happened in my youth and my ignorance as a young adult. I forgave myself for my misdeeds and those who committed misdeeds against me.

You can become aware of you and your past, acknowledge your mistakes, accept and apologize for your mistakes (if able to contact the one one did wrong), forgive yourself and others and make a behavioral change growing forward towards, “Enjoying A Better You!”

If at that point you encounter someone from your past that wants to drag you backwards with actions or words. Inform them you’ve grown forward, if they can’t except it let them go! People will try to keep you down! They’ll use your past against you in an attempt to bring you back to what they want to be or feel is your reality. But it’s your past not your present, if they choose to stay in the past, let them stay. Let them know, “yeah, I did those things in my past and you know I behaved in that manner but I don’t live there anymore! I’m loving, honoring and respecting myself and others!”

Don’t ever punish yourself over and over for mistakes you’ve made! Don’t allow people to punish you over and over for mistakes you’ve made. People will always hold on to the negative and throw it at you to gain an edge in an attempt to make themselves feel or look better. If you’re aware, acknowledge, accept and moved forward, there’s no need to fear being exposed. The authentic you is real and present! The authentic you came about from your past good deeds, errors and formed you for your present being!

I wouldn’t change a thing about my past however unfortunate an action, word or circumstance. That change may change everything about me in the present! I forgive myself, I forgive you and ask you forgive me! I love who I am today, my past brought me here and I wont apologize for it over and over! I will change what I can and not worry about what I can’t and I can’t change the past, neither can you!

Today, stop punishing yourself and allowing others to punish you in action or word for your past! Let the label go!

Disappointment’s Occur In Life, Face It and Move Forward!

Has anyone ever promised you something and you never received it? You let other things pass because you expected something that was agreed upon, only to have it snatched from beneath you? Someone said they’d do something but never did? These things will happen and people will disappoint you by not keeping their word!

It may upset you and you’ll be dissatisfied with the failure of your expectations, it’s a natural response related to anticipated rewards that never manifest. It can cause frustration, depression and cause you to blame (others or yourself).

There are those who recover from disappointment quickly and you can knock out “Disappointment!” What really gets you is the inability to prepare for disappointment. Say your stocks go up 200% percent and you sell it feeling elated. Then next week you realize the stock is up 300% and if you waited you would’ve made more money so you become disappointed in your action to sell early.

Disappointment drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to do what you need to feel better. But while overcoming disappointment isn’t easy, it’s far from impossible. You can’t beat it through sheer willpower, but you do have some control—even if your disappointment is severe and stubbornly persistent. The key to recovery is to start small and build from there. Feeling better takes time, but you can get there if you make positive choices for yourself and draw on the support of others.

Here’s a few things you can do:

1. Share what’s happening with a trusted friend or family member. Ask for their help and support when needed, don’t hold it inside. DO NOT HOLD IT INSIDE!

2. Stay social, we have a tendency to retreat within ourselves and dwell, let it go. Get out and be around other people it’ll get it off your mind and allow better energy to flow within you.

3. Go out and get some sun, I know some of you are saying okay Milo, you’re nuts. But really the sun promotes health and provides you with vitamin D which is very important for health. Boost your intake of vitamin B, it energizes you! Take some yohimbe!

4. Speak positively and don’t allow negative thought’s to stay on your mind. I’ll be fine, it’s a beautiful day, I’ve done some great things and will do more, I love me and those around me, I wish love and success in abundance for all. I love, honor and respect myself and something great is about to enter my life.

5. Be aware of what happened, acknowledge what happened, accept what happened, forgive the offender, forgive yourself and let it go!

6. When people have disappointed me, I’ve always said, “if this is the worst thing that happens in my life, I’m going to be fine and live a great life!”

7. Think of all the blessings you’ve received and know you have more coming. This set back is only positioning you for a come up! You can’t stay down because your possibilities are infinite and growth boundless.

8. Tell yourself the truth, do all you can do about it and move on. What more can you do if you’ve done all you can do!

I love you, now love yourself enough to grow forward, learning the lesson and losing the pain!


_MG_3114Do you think you’re worthy of a miracle? Do you feel as though incredible things should happen in your life, like in the lives of others? Do you think if you asked for a miracle, it’ll become part of divine order and the divine spirit will grant your request?

Miracles are possible if you’re willing to open up your heart to receiving. You must have faith and be open for the divine to work miracles in your life. If you believe it can happen, it really can happen because miracles happen all the time but only if you believe you’re worthy of the miracle and you’re open to receiving it.

Feeling worthy may be a new feeling for you but it’s like any other new feeling. You’ll be a little uncomfortable at first, but as time goes on you’ll become more comfortable. With that comfort comes less doubt, more confidence and with confidence comes the belief you deserve more for the positive work you’ve put in.

This new feeling is part of the path to receiving miracles and believing you’re worthy. Just keep asking the divine for miracles and working on moving in a positive direction. Providing positive service to the masses and increasing your self-worth, which will increase your divine connection and probability of receiving your miracle.

So open up your heart, nourish and honor your dreams, believe in miracles, know you deserve your miracle, you’ve done the work and you’re worthy!

Published in: on October 26, 2009 at 8:10 am  Comments (16)  
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